Paid & Volunteer Opportunities Await!

Explore exciting opportunities to be part of Mission Brain’s impactful work. Whether you’re looking for a paid position or ready to volunteer, we have roles for passionate individuals eager to make a difference in global neurosurgery and neuroscience.

Dr. Q and members of the mission:brain team review spinal imaging on a large screen during a medical meeting.
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Roles Available

We update the positions available every month!

Chair of Fundraising

In charge of leading the regional fundraising. It can do so by organizing charity events such as lotteries, dinner events, and auctions, coordinating fundraising opportunities with the different chapters, and fostering meaningful corporate relationships.


*This position is only open to chapter members.

Chair of Education

This chair aims to lead different regional educational initiatives. This can be done by empowering medical students to bridge the educational gaps through the organization of regional events such as seminars, practical sessions, manuals, guide creation, and many other activities in the field of neuroscience.


*This position is only open to chapter members.

Chair of Communications

The primary role of this position is to facilitate clear avenues for members to connect, communicate and collaborate. They will be responsible for the following:‍

  • Managing email campaigns.
  • Communicating to all chapters in group platforms (WhatsApp, GroupMe, Slack, etc.).
  • Creating address and email lists for each chapter.
  • Drafting press releases and other organization-wide announcements for Director approval.

‍*This position is only open to chapter members.

Chair of Research

Coordinate research projects ranging from more research-centered initiatives, like systematic reviews, letters, and surveys around different areas of neurosurgery (global neurosurgery, education, training, neurological diseases, technology, equity, etc.). This chair could also be involved in arranging projects held in collaboration with other regions. Β 


*This position is only open to chapter members.

Chair of Operations

The primary role of this position is to maintain organizational consistency in data collection and storage, meeting minutes and calendar invites, and facilitating the execution of programmatic initiatives for the region. They will be responsible for:

  • Creating and maintaining a shared storage space for organizational documents.
  • Keeping meeting minutes and sending out follow-up emails of action items after the meetings.
  • Sending calendar invites and confirming schedule availability of members.

‍*This position is only open to chapter members.

Chair of Social Media/Community Manager

The primary role of this position is to advise and direct regional-wide postings to social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc). They will be responsible for the following:‍

  • Communicating with all heads of social media and/or leadership of regional chapters for posting requests for HQ (Head Quarters).
  • Creating and curating posts for all chapters to replicate as needed.
  • Generation of ideas and initiatives for social media campaigns.

*This position is open to anyone, whether already involved in mission:brain, or not


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