Chapter Bylaws

Review the active mission:brain chapter bylaws to understand the requirements and responsibilities of each chapter, and it's members.

Effective date: March 17, 2025

Regional Leadership and Responsibilities

1. Each region shall have a leadership team responsible for coordinating and guiding all chapters.

2. It will comprise of the following members with corresponding responsibilities:

2.1. Regional Chair: provides leadership and direction for the entire region. They are responsible for overseeing the region's activities, ensuring alignment with the foundation's goals and values, and representing the region in interactions with the Mission:BRAIN global leadership and other regions. The Regional Chair manages regional meetings, regional program/project planning and implementation, and ensures effective communication among member chapters in the region, all while promoting the mission of the foundation and ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines.
The Regional Chair reports to and coordinates with the Global Outreach Director.

2.2. Regional Vice Chair: assists in overseeing projects, ensuring they align with the foundation's mission, and stepping in for the Regional Chair when needed. The Regional Vice Chair also plays a key role in coordinating efforts among member chapters, assisting in regional program/project planning and implementation, and ensuring smooth communication among the member chapters in the region and with Mission:BRAIN global leadership. Additionally, they may take on specific projects or initiatives to further the chapter's goals. The Regional Vice Chair reports to and coordinates with the Regional Chair.

2.3. Regional Chair for Education coordinates and helps oversee, under the direction of the Regional Chair, all educational and research activities in their region. The Regional Chair for Education reports to and coordinates with the Global Director of Education. While not required, leaders are strongly encouraged to establish co-chair positions to equitably distribute responsibilities and ensure effective management of their roles.

2.4. Regional Chair for Empowerment Programs coordinates and helps oversee, under the direction of the Regional Chair, all the empowerment programs in their region. The Regional Chair for Empowerment Programs reports to and coordinates with the Global Director of Empowerment Programs. While not required, leaders are strongly encouraged to establish cochair positions to equitably distribute responsibilities and ensure effective management of their roles.

2.5. Regional Chair for Communications coordinates and helps oversee, under the direction of the Regional Chair, all communications, social media activities, information campaigns and dissemination in their region. The Regional Chair for Communications reports to and coordinates with the Global Director of Communications. While not required, leaders are strongly encouraged to establish co-chair positions to equitably distribute responsibilities and ensure effective management of their roles.

3. Selection for these roles shall be through nomination either from self-nomination or from members of the region, and determination will be made by the global leadership team.

4. The term of service will be for two (2) years with a succession plan submitted to the global leadership team six (6) months prior to the end of their term or the position holder's intent to vacate the position.

5. All regional leaders will have annual reviews with the Mission:BRAIN global team.

Chapter Recognition

1. A university chapter becomes an officially recognized Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapter after:

1.1. Submitting a formal application to Mission:BRAIN Foundation Headquarters (HQ) that complies with the current specifications outlined on the website.

1.2. Undergoing an interview by the Regional Chair or delegate.

1.3. Demonstrating alignment with the mission, objectives, and code of conduct of Mission:BRAIN

Foundation via a letter of intent

1.4. Submitting a list of its founding members, which must be a minimum of 4 and need to include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

1.5. Presenting a one-year action plan outlining proposed activities and objectives.

2. Officially recognized chapters are entitled to use the Mission:BRAIN Foundation name and logo, access resources provided by the parent organization and participate in Mission:BRAIN Foundation

events and initiatives.

3. Chapter applicants unaffiliated with any academic institution are allowed pending review from

Mission:BRAIN Foundation leadership.

Chapter Name and Affiliation

1. All chapters of Mission:BRAIN Foundation shall be named according to the format: "Mission:BRAIN [Name of the University]". For example, if the university is the University of Atlantis, the chapter would be named "Mission:BRAIN University of Atlantis"

2. The logo needs to be the shield provided in the press kit with the logo of the university, if permitted by the institution. Authorization should be requested from the university for the use of the logo and the creation of the chapters before proceeding.

3. Chapters not affiliated with an academic institution may create their own logo with approval from the mission:brain Foundation leadership.

Chapter Executive Board

1. Each chapter must have a board composed of at least a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations, planning, and member coordination of the chapter.

1.1. President: To provide leadership and direction for the chapter. They are responsible for overseeing the chapter's activities, ensuring alignment with the foundation's goals and values, and representing the chapter in interactions with the regional leadership and other chapters. The president manages chapter meetings, delegates tasks, and ensures effective communication among members, all while promoting the mission of the foundation and ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines.

1.2. Vice President: They assist in overseeing projects, ensuring they align with the foundation's mission, and stepping in for the president when needed. The vice president also plays a key role in coordinating efforts among members, helping to delegate tasks, and ensuring smooth communication between the chapter and regional leadership. Additionally, they may take on specific projects or initiatives to further the chapter's goals

1.3. Secretary: Responsible for maintaining accurate records of chapter activities, including documenting meeting minutes, tracking attendance, and organizing important documents. They ensure that all members are informed of meeting times, agendas, and any key decisions made during meetings. The secretary also manages chapter communications, such as distributing updates and announcements to members, and may handle correspondence with regional leadership and other chapters. Additionally, they maintain the chapter's calendar and support the president in ensuring effective organization and coordination of chapter events and activities.

1.4. Treasurer: Responsible for managing the chapter's financial resources, including maintaining accurate financial records, preparing budgets, tracking expenses and income, and ensuring compliance with financial guidelines set by the foundation and any relevant institutions. The treasurer provides regular financial reports to the chapter and collaborates with the fundraising chair to identify potential funding sources and support fundraising efforts. Together, they ensure transparency and accountability in the chapter's financial activities, fostering trust among members and stakeholders.

2. The leadership rank is the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.

3. Leaders must be elected by chapter members through a transparent and democratic process overseen by the Regional Chair. Elections may be conducted earlier if necessary to meet the leadership criteria.

4. Candidates for the positions will be defined by the current board in a transparent and democratic process.

5. A candidacy for presidency will be automatically given to the current Vice President as long as it complies with the leadership criteria.

6. A candidacy for vice presidency will be automatically given to the current Secretary as long as it complies with the leadership criteria.

7. Leadership criteria:

7.1. Leadership must be held by active students with a physical presence at the university.

7.2. Leaders must be active members who demonstrate strong commitment and substantial contributions to the Mission: BRAIN Foundation objectives.

7.3. Leaders must have at least one (1) year of experience in the chapter.

7.4. Leaders may continue in absentia for a maximum of three (3) months during which responsibilities and authority is taken upon by the next in rank.

8. A two-year service commitment is required for leadership. If unforeseen circumstances occur where a chapter leader is unable to fulfill the duties of the position, the Regional Chair must be informed immediately and passed up to the chain of command. Leaders may seek re-election if applicable.

9. Chapter leadership is required to provide succession plans 6 months prior to their intent to vacate their position to remain in good standing with the organization.

10. The President of the chapter must formally notify the Regional Chair via email about the new leadership, providing accurate contact information for the incoming leaders before they assume their new roles.

11. For nonacademic chapters, special exceptions can be made upon review and approval by HQ.

12. Chapters are encouraged to complement their board with these different chairs:

12.1. Chair of Research: Responsible for overseeing research initiatives and projects within
the chapter. They facilitate collaboration among members interested in research, identify funding opportunities, and ensure that all research activities align with the foundation's mission. The chair also promotes the dissemination of research findings and encourages participation in relevant academic events and conferences.

12.2. Chair of Education: Responsible for developing and organizing educational programs and activities that align with the foundation's mission. They facilitate workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the knowledge and skills of chapter members. The chair also collaborates with other organizations and experts to provide valuable learning opportunities and resources for members.

12.3. Chair of Networking: Responsible for fostering connections and collaborations among
chapter members and external organizations. They organize networking events, facilitate partnerships, and engage with professionals in the field to create opportunities for mentorship and knowledge exchange. The chair also works to strengthen the chapter's presence within the broader community, promoting the foundation's mission and activities.

12.4. Chair of Communications: Responsible for managing all internal and external communications for the chapter. They oversee the creation and distribution of newsletters, announcements, and social media content to keep members informed and engaged. The chair also ensures that the chapter's messaging aligns with the foundation's mission and maintains a positive public image by promoting events and initiatives. Must maintain regular communication with the Global Director of Communications.

12.5. Chair of Fundraising: Responsible for developing and implementing fundraising strategies to support the chapter's financial goals. They identify potential funding sources, coordinate fundraising events, and collaborate with the treasurer to ensure proper financial oversight. The fundraising chair also engages chapter members in fundraising efforts, promoting awareness and participation in initiatives.

13. Chapters should designate these chair positions within the first six (6) months of their establishment, determined by the date the chapter receives the acceptance email.

Chapter Membership

  1. Membership in any Mission:BRAIN Foundation's chapter is primarily open to medical or nursing students attending the university with which the chapter is affiliated.
  2. Exceptions to different degrees of education can be made upon review and approval by HQ.
  3. Students from different disciplines that can contribute to the multidisciplinary nature of Mission:BRAIN Foundation (for example, students of biomedical engineering, neuroscience, computer science, psychology, public health, bioethics, and patients) are also eligible for membership. However, their membership must be motivated by a clear intent to contribute to the objectives of Mission:BRAIN Foundation.
  4. Mission:BRAIN Foundation encourages the inclusion of medical faculty and/or attending physicians, resident physicians, public figures, philanthropists, and other members of their community as part of the chapter's advisory board.
  5. The chapters are suggested to open applications every three (3) months for people interested in joining. The application process is independently managed by the chapter's board.

6. Every chapter's board is responsible to maintain a clear and organized list of members that can be requested at any time by HQ.

7. All members must demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to Mission:BRAIN Foundation's objectives, ethics, and code of conduct.

8. Membership can be revoked by the chapter or HQ in the case of gross misconduct or prolonged inactivity. If a chapter internally revokes a membership, the decision must be justified, documented, and ed to HQ.

Member Responsibilities

1. Members must attend all scheduled chapter meetings. Repeated absences without valid reasons may result in loss of active membership.

2. Members are required to engage in and support chapter-organized events, including educational workshops, outreach programs, and fundraising efforts.

3. Members must complete any tasks or roles they commit to, whether related to event planning, research, or mentorship.

4. Members are encouraged to contribute to fundraising initiatives or help secure sponsorships to sustain chapter activities and support mission efforts.

5. Members must reply to emails, messages, and event invitations in a timely manner to ensure smooth coordination and accountability.

6. Members should take part in neurosurgical education, mentorship, or advocacy efforts led by the chapter.

7. Members must represent Mission:BRAIN Foundation professionally, maintaining integrity, respect, and cultural humility in all activities.

8. All members are expected to adhere these bylaws, meeting attendance policies, and event participation requirements.

Fundraising and Use of Funds

  1. Each chapter is allowed to organize fundraising events and campaigns. Fundraising activities must be conducted ethically, in compliance with the university's guidelines, local laws, and the foundation's core values and principles. Under no circumstances should events promote nudity or illegal substance abuse. If there is any doubt about the appropriateness of an event, it will be subject to review and determination by the foundation's HQ.
  2. Funds may be requested from HQ to support the organization of projects and events that align closely with the values and mission of the Foundation. These funds must be requested at least six months in advance. To request this support, the chapter's leadership team must submit a formal request to the Regional Chair, who will evaluate it and, if appropriate, submit the proposal to HQ for approval.
  3. Funds raised by any Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapter are to be used for the express purposes of:

3.1. Furthering the research, educational, and advocacy objectives of Mission: BRAIN Foundation.

3.2. Supporting chapter activities, including local events, workshops, conferences, and collaborative initiatives.

3.3. Providing resources for members, such as educational materials, research grants, or travel grants for attending relevant conferences. Such uses must be approved by the regional board after a submission to the regional fundraising chair.

4. Each chapter is required to keep a financial report detailing the sources and uses of funds to be included in the scheduled chapter reports (see Article 10, section 2.3.4.).

5. Each chapter can open a bank account or digital payment apps such as PayPal, Venmo, etc., only in the case that it becomes legally recognized by their country and has a legal persona. Chapters must adhere to the national laws that supersede the rules within Mission:BRAIN Foundation. Permission from HQ is required, with proper documentation provided and necessary agreements implemented.

6. Each chapter must maintain accurate and transparent financial records, available for review by Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ on request. Misuse of funds is grounds for immediate disciplinary action, up to and including dissolution of the chapter.

7. Funds must be raised in an ethical way and conform to the hosting country's legal situation; this means that chapters must only use the link provided for fundraising unless the chapter is recognized as a legal persona, where different rules apply. Chapters must refrain from creating an account for the chapter as if it were a person.

8. Chapters are encouraged to collaborate with one another to provide mutual support in times of financial need. This collaboration is preferred within the same country to avoid unnecessary international transactions. However, such collaborations are subject to each country's laws, which will supersede the foundation's bylaws.

Meetings and Events

1. Each region is required to have biannual meetings (every 6 months) with mandatory attendance from at least one (1) representative of each chapter. The regional meetings must be organized by the region's leadership team.

2. Each chapter should hold regular meetings at a frequency determined by the chapter's board, but not less than once a month. These meetings must include:

2.1. Agendas and minutes that should be made available to all the members and should be archived for future reference.

2.2. Initiatives that further the objectives of Mission:BRAIN Foundation, including but not limited to workshops, lectures, discussions, and fundraising events.

2.3. Each meeting should have the attendance of at least half of the chapter's members, and this attendance must be recorded in the meeting minutes.

3. All Mission:BRAIN Chapter members are required to attend at least one (1) global town hall per year organized by HQ in collaboration with the Regional Chairs.

Collaboration and Communication

  1. All chapters should actively seek to collaborate with other Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapters, as well as other organizations with shared objectives.
  2. Inter-chapter communication and collaboration should be encouraged through joint projects, shared resources, and regular inter-chapter meetings or conferences.

3. Chapters are encouraged to participate in regional, national, or international Mission:BRAIN Foundation initiatives and to represent their chapter at such events.

Activity Report

  1. Each chapter must submit quarterly reports to Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ detailing its activities, accomplishments, challenges, and financial status. HQ will provide Google Forms for these reports to the Regional Chairs, who will then distribute them to the leadership of each chapter.
  2. The report must include but not be limited to:

2.1. Number of projects planned, in process, and accomplished.

2.2. Number of active members in the chapter.

2.3. Data related to each accomplished project, must include:

2.3.1. Number of team members that arranged the project,

2.3.2. Team members involved with each project and their roles

2.3.3. Funds raised, if any, and their use,

2.3.4. Number of attendees/people impacted by the event,

2.3.5. Brief description, highlighting objectives, outcomes (250-500 words).

2.4. Insight on social media connections, such as:

2.4.1. Annual trend of followers,

2.4.2. Number of posts,

2.4.3. Average number of likes/comments.

2.5. Goals for each project planned must be clearly indicated and an accompanying post-project evaluation addressing those goals

3. The report serves as a record of the chapter's work and progress and will be used by Mission: BRAIN
Foundation HQ to assess the impact of each chapter and the foundation around the world.

4. The scheduled reporting will be the responsibility of the Chapter President to be submitted to the Regional Chair at the end of the months of March, June, September, and December each calendar year.

5. Inability to comply with reporting will result in the chapter being flagged for non-compliance. The first incident of non-compliance will immediately flag the chapter for review. The second incident of noncompliance will result in possible suspension of the chapter unless the chapter is able to provide reasonable excuse (evaluated by HQ) for non-compliance.

Chapter Responsibilities and Event Organization

1. Event Organization Duties: All Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapters must organize a minimum of two events per academic year that reflect the foundation's core values of Patient Care, Education, and Empowerment.

2. Event Variety: Acceptable event types include fundraising activities, educational workshops, teaching sessions, lectures, seminars, symposiums, research initiatives, and clinical activities.

3. Engagement and Contribution: These events are designed to actively engage chapter members, contribute to both local and broader communities, and highlight each chapter's role within the Mission:BRAIN Foundation network.

4. Documentation and Reporting: To receive full support from Mission:BRAIN Foundation, chapters must formally notify regional leadership and HQ of their event at least three months in advance.
Additionally, they must document these events in their quarterly reports, outlining objectives and outcomes to demonstrate their active and impactful presence.

5. Collaborative Initiatives: Chapters are encouraged to organize collaborative events with other chapters or organizations to enhance their impact and foster community engagement.

6. Any chapter not in compliance will receive a warning notification to organize an event within the next month. If they fail to do so, the chapter will be suspended, and a meeting with HQ will be held to discuss the next steps.

Non-Discrimination and Inclusion

1. The Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapters are committed to promoting an environment of inclusivity

and diversity.

2. All individuals in good standing have the right to join their local Mission:BRAIN Foundation chapter and must have equitable access to advancement opportunities within their chapter and in organization

writ large.

3. No individual shall be denied membership or participation on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, immigration status, indigeneity, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other minoritized status.

4. All chapters must work to foster a diverse and inclusive environment within their chapter.

Code of Conduct

1. Each chapter is expected to adhere to the Mission:BRAIN Foundation code of conduct, which prioritizes respect, integrity, collaboration, and excellence.

2. The Foundation's code of conduct includes but not limits to:

2.1. Respect and Inclusion: Treat everyone—fellow members, collaborators, and the community— with dignity and respect. Embrace diversity and foster an inclusive environment where all voices are valued.

2.2. Integrity and Accountability: Uphold the highest ethical standards in all activities. Be honest, transparent, and accountable for your actions, ensuring they align with the Foundation's mission and values.

2.3. Commitment to Excellence: Strive for excellence in all tasks and initiatives. Represent the Foundation with professionalism and dedication, maintaining the quality of our work and reputation.

2.4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Actively engage in teamwork and support fellow members. Share knowledge and resources, valuing the contributions of every individual to achieve common goals.

2.5. Community Focus: Prioritize the needs of the communities we serve. Ensure that all projects, events, and activities are conducted with empathy, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

3. To report a violation of the code of conduct, a written report will need to be submitted by the president or vice president of the chapter to the Regional Chair, who, if applicable, will evaluate the situation and consult with the Global Outreach Director to determine the most appropriate sanction.

4. Breaches of the code of conduct will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the chapter and the wider Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ.


1. A chapter may be dissolved for breaching the rules, code of conduct, or for any other behavior that harms the reputation or objectives of Mission:BRAIN Foundation.

2. A chapter may be dissolved for organizing fewer than two (2) activities per academic year; however, this consideration shall occur after the chapter's first year of existence to allow sufficient time for growth.

3. A decision to dissolve a chapter will only be made after a full review by HQ and in consultation with the chapter's board and/or university officials.

4. A chapter will be given one (1) warning before its removal. A reply within ten (10) business days is necessary to the warning email. If it is not received, the chapter will be dissolved.

5. If a chapter gets dissolved, there can be an appealing process within the next 30 days.

6. Formerly dissolved chapters may reapply to open a new chapter 30 days after their dissolution.

Revision of Bylaws and Regulations

  1. These rules are subject to revision and amendment by Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ, in consultation with the Regional Chairs.
  2. Any proposed changes to the rules must be communicated to all chapters at least one (1) month
    before the changes are due to take effect.
  3. Individual chapters may propose amendments to these rules to better fit their specific circumstances or university policies. All proposed amendments must be submitted to the chapter's Regional Chair and Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ for approval.
    . Any chapter- specific amendment approved by Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ shall only apply to the lapter proposing the amendment and shall not affect the rules of other chapters, unless otherwise stated by Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ.


1. Any disputes or controversies arising out of these bylaws shall be referred to Mission:BRAIN Foundation HQ for resolution. The organization's decision shall be final and binding.

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